2015: ntb group Develops and Facilitates Public Works Hurricane Exercise for...
June 5th, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE In conjunction with True North Emergency Management, ntb group developed and facilitated an HSEEP tabletop exercise...
View Article2015: ntb group Provides Support for FEMA Cost Recovery Exercise
June 5th, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ntb group facilitated this functional exercise in conjunction with All Hands Consulting focused on the FEMA PA Cost...
View Article2015: ntb group to conduct assessment of Palm Beach County Public Safety...
April 1, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ntb group to conduct a comprehensive assessment of Public Safety Websites for Palm Beach County, Florida. ntb group,...
View Article2014: ntb group to conduct assessment of 911 system for the City of Miami Beach
February 25, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ntb group to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the 911 systems for the City of Miami Beach, Florida. ntb group,...
View Article2015: ntb group to Develop COOP Plans and Programs for Fort Worth, Texas
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 3, 2015 ntb group, LLC is proud to announce that as part of their partnership with True North Emergency Management they will lead the development of a Continuity of...
View Article2014: ntb group completes a series of COOP plans for 3 Florida cities
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 30, 2014 ntb group, LLC successfully completed a series of 3 COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) plans for the cities of Pahokee, Belle Glade and South Bay. The...
View ArticleJune 2016 - ntb group develops strategic plan for Baltimore
June 2016 - ntb group creates WebEOC integration plan ntb group, LLC has recently completed the development of a strategic technology plan for the city of Baltimore's WebEOC implementation. WebEOC is...
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